What does a first aid class cover?

First Aid training covers a wide range of topics. First Aid includes every common medical emergency. These common emergencies include: heart attack, stroke, bleeding control, broken bones, strains, head injuries, diabetes and the list goes on. Typically, first aid classes are going to give you the bare bones, or a framework of first aid emergencies. The training will talk about how to recognize injuries and also the basic things that you can do to help prevent injuries.
Subjects Covered
After initial recognition of a first aid emergency, the course will teach you what to do until a higher level of care can come. Some things a basic 2 hour first aid course will cover:
- Duties and responsibilities of first aid rescuers
- First aid actions for medical emergencies, including severe choking, heart attack, and stroke
- Skills for handling injury and environmental emergencies, including external bleeding, broken bones and sprains, and bites and stings.
- Whether you should or should not move a victim.
- How to use an Epinephrine auto injector. (EpiPen)
Advanced First Aid Training
Some people may need to take advanced first aid training. Typically people working in remote areas, such as wilderness guides, waterwater rafting guides, scout leaders, etc will seek out or be required to have Wilderness First Aid training. Wilderness First Aid training is a 16-20 hour course. You can read more about this training, usually offered through the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) on Landmark Learning’s website.
First aid training is designed to give people a framework of skills. Professional first responders will have much more extensive training. For example, a Wilderness First Responder course is a 9-10 day course. Emergency Medical Responder Training is a 50 hour course.
Where to Find First Aid Classes
First Aid classes are very helpful and important to take every two years when the certification expires. There are constantly things changing in the industry and maintaining those skill sets can be the difference between life and death for someone.
To find a local First Aid Class you can search on the Class Eagle Health & Safety Instructor Directory. The directory is free for both students and instructors to connect with each other. You can also find combination CPR & First Aid courses to learn both skill sets at once and save time.